Membership Criteria
1. The following criteria are considered in screening new applications for
membership in a CISM Team:
Completed application form
Signed Memo of Understanding
Professional service experience and background 3-5 years experience
Experience as a mental health professional
Training in areas of stress/psychology
Evaluation of reasons for wanting to be on the team
Accessibility for interventions and team activities
Respect and trust of peers
Ability to keep confidences
Ability to express self
Sensitivity to others
Ability to work within an established framework
Self identified assets/deficits
Type of professional service represented
Geographic location of candidate
2. Training Requirements - ICISF approved training:
Individual Crisis Intervention and Peer Support
Group Crisis Intervention
Advanced Group Crisis Intervention
School Crisis Intervention A CISM Approach
Additional Suggested Courses:
Individual Crisis Intervention and Peer Support
Group Crisis Intervention
Advanced Group Crisis Intervention
School Crisis Intervention A CISM Approach
3. Mental Health porfessionals should have at least an MA in psychology,
social work, or a related field...or they should have an MS in Nursing
with spychiatric specialy, and be employed in one of the following areas:
Social Services
Psychiatric nursing
4. Mental Health porfessionals should have specific training and experience in the following:
Crisis intervention
Stress response and stress management
Group process
Directive intervention
Communications skills
Post traumatic stress disorder
Cross training with appropriate special groups
5. Evaluation of renewal applications include the criteria listed, above, and:
Outcome of Peer Review Board procedures
Past accessibility for interventions and education presentations
Attendance at team meetings